"God is a giver"

i’ve been fixated on the past. “i wish we could go back to how we used to do church,” i told myself repeatedly.

but our God is a God of the past, present, AND the future. He wants us to move forward. old wineskins into new ones. a new joy, a new hope, a new heart.

#ActsPartnersConference2022 encouraged me and gave me hope, all while i repented to God for being bitter about things that had happened in the past, both to myself and to those around me.

as Pr Lazarus was ending his preaching last night, I saw a couple of images in my mind. one of it was this.

i’m excited to go into the future with God. we live in a fallen world, full of brokenness and pain and things we’d rather not look at, but i’m reminded again and again through this conference, that God can turn what was meant for evil into good. that He can transform ashes into something beautiful. only He can do it.

and i need to let Him.