"late bloomer"
30 and haven’t been kissed, haven’t lived on my own, haven’t earned five figures or more a month, haven’t — well, add on to the list.
i’ve never known myself to be a late bloomer. i remember as a teenager, i would be so sure of what i wanted to do, even when i wasn’t encouraged to pursue art as a full-time career. i knew what gave me purpose.
yet, as i grow up and watch my peers conquer yet another phase of life — from graduation, career, marriage, children, you know the path — i don’t feel an urge to rush myself.
i’ve grown to love this journey more and more, blooming in seasons and withering in others. i love the friendships i have today, and the things i get to do for a living. things aren’t ideal, because sure i’d love to live abroad in another city, or yeah i’d wanna get a cat or two and my own studio, but life in the late bloomin’ lane is exactly what God has planned for me, and i love every part of it.
thankful for every day, but i think i should act more like it instead of wasting them away watching Netflix and complaining about not having new books to read.
don’t worry about blooming “on time” — whenever you bloom will be on God’s time, and that will be exactly perfect.