"there is hope"

i’ve been sitting on this feeling for a while now. this pandemic has taken its fair share of toll on all of us. the state of our country and the rapidly-rising cases certainly don’t help with this heavy feeling in my chest.

but what do i have to complain about, when frontliners are working insane shifts, when people are losing their loved ones to this virus, when most are just scraping to get by at this point?

i have a job. i have more than enough. i am thankful. but it doesn’t feel enough.

so i’ll try. in my small way. to make a difference, somehow. to keep making a difference.

(drawn and written at the peak of our lockdown period in Malaysia)


i made this comic thinking about the "space" the character occupied — towards the end, when she gets up and walks away, she is also physically walking away from the elements within the comic, moving through the space towards the ray of light as we see more and more of it pouring into the final frame.